Isn’t it crazy the number of germs that linger in the workplace? But don’t freak out just yet, below are 10 top tips you and your work colleagues can use to clean up your office space and keep those pesky germs and bacteria at bay.
Organise Your Loose Papers
If there is paperwork piled up on your desk or around the workplace it will give your office a messy look and it makes it difficult and time-consuming to refer back to the important documents when needed. That’s why you should take the time out to quickly sort them out by throwing away any unnecessary documents, appropriately shredding unwanted confidential paperwork, and organising the rest by filing them into filing cabinets, wall mounted pockets, or desk trays.
To save more space you could additionally consider scanning documents and storing them electronically.

Throw Away Unnecessary Items
Clean workplaces help boost productivity and is critical for long-term health. So just like paperwork, clutter can also make your workplace look messier when it isn’t. So, get rid of all those unwanted business cards, coffee cups, freebies, dried up pens, cards, litter, and any other unnecessary and unused items. Put away things where they belong and to prevent built-up bacteria, remember to also remove any dirty cups, plates, or bowls from your desk.
To help maintain a cleaner and tidier desk, you can even make use of things such as desk organisers, pencil and pen holders, paper trays, standing file holders, bookshelves, baskets, and drawer dividers. Encourage your employees to use these as well as it will help their desks look cleaner too!

Kill the Germs on Your Work Desks and Tables
Desks and tables acquire a lot of build-up and dirt, as people constantly work against them and place an assortment of things on them such as food, water, coffee cups, and piles of documents. That’s why cleaning them daily with a multi-purpose cleaner is critical. This can even psychologically bring peace and closure to your mind and mean you can return to work the next day to a clean and organised workplace environment.

Sanitise Your Hands Regularly
Germs spread rapidly in every environment, that’s why it’s important to keep hand sanitisers on your desk and also on each of your employee’s desks. This will allow you and your employees to not only keep your workspace clean and germ-free but will also prevent people from catching any bugs or colds. Hand-sanitising pumps could also be set-up near all of your exits and entrances, this can help prevent those customers and visitors who come in and out of your workplace from spreading germs and viruses into your work environment.

Clean Your Electronics
Our phones and computers carry a lot of germs, so keep your desktop, laptops, phones, and keyboards germ and dust free by wiping them down with either a good antibacterial screen cleaning wipe or a microfiber cloth and a disinfectant spray. You can additionally spray a paper towel with a bit of water to get rid of fingerprints and other smudges. Try to clean your electronics either every day or at least once a week as this will help keep the dust and bacteria at bay.

Keep Cleaning Wipes on Hand
Place cleaning wipes in places for quick access for staff and employees to utilise such as in office or kitchen drawers. They can come in handy for those surprise coffee spills and quick wipe downs of tables, desk, and surfaces. Although it’s not encouraged, these wipes can also come in handy for employees especially after eating juicy and sticky snacks at their desks. By having these wipes accessible, it can significantly help in reducing the spread of bacteria and diseases in the workplace.

Limit Eating and Drinking to Specific Areas
When things start to heat up at work, it makes it easier to have lunch and to stay at your desk whilst typing away. This however, creates an unhygienic habit and leaves your desk full of crumbs, liquid spills, lingering smells, and stubborn stains which also creates the perfect environment for bacteria to grow.
So that’s why it’s better for you and your employees to consume your meals and snacks in one designated place or the kitchen area. This will prevent dirt and crumbs from spreading around the workplace as well as prevent nasty insects and pests inviting themselves into the office. A designated eating spot will also deter staff from leaving dirty plates and cups at their desks, preventing unwanted mould and bacteria from building up.
Office desks are a common office germ hotspot! Click here to find out what the other five office germ hotspots are!

Ensure the Kitchen Remains Spotless
It is crucial that the kitchen is cleaned and maintained on a regular basis, as it is one of the most common places for bacteria and germs to grow and reside in. Most employees spend a lot of time here, hence it is integral for their health and safety that the kitchen is thoroughly cleaned daily.
That’s why dishes should be washed immediately and not left in the sink, old takeout’s and unconsumed foods that are just rotting away in the refrigerator should be thrown away, table tops, chairs, sinks, shelves, and counters should also be disinfected and sanitised properly.
It is also important to remember that food should be prepared stored correctly, the refrigerator should be clean and organised, the microwave should be free of spills and messes as they become harder to clean when left to sit over a long period of time, hand towels should be washed regularly, and dish sponges should be replaced as needed.

Use the Trash Bins
Place trash bins in populated areas and in convenient locations around the workplace where it is easy for staff to throw away their trash. Not only does this enable good housekeeping but also prevents your workplace from looking like a pig sty.
What’s a good office clean without taking out the trash? To deter garbage from piling and from odour and bacteria forming, remember to take out the trash every night or every other night. This can even be done in a group effort where different employees are allocated certain days to take out the trash.

Maintain the Presentation of Your Public Area
A clean workplace provides your company with a reputable and positive impression. So, if your workplace has an area that is designated for your customers and or visitors, then it’s highly important that is area is cared for, cleaned, and maintained on a regular basis.
The seating area should be dust and stain free which can be easily cleaned with a duster and a clean cloth. Reading materials should be tidy and up-to-date. Clean the walls, mirrors, and windows to ensure there are no marks of fingerprints on them. It is also crucial that the area is vacuumed and mopped often if needed.
Often cleanliness is a group effort that can be made easy when everyone participates and helps out. So, as a side note, it will really benefit you and your colleagues if you all take 15 minutes out of your working days such as after lunch or just before you head home to clean your desk area and other areas that may require some cleaning. This will help provide you all with closure and set each of you all up for a clean start the next day.